Thursday, October 29, 2015

China to Have Rise in Pacifiers

How many kids do you want to have? One? Two? 

Well if you live in China, that answer was made for you, you could have only one, just one. Over the years though, the law slowly became easier to get around and a small percentage of couples were able to have more than one child. Regardless though, the norm was you are allowed one child, that is, until today. 

China announced today that it would allow two children for every couple. That is right, two whole kids. Citizens of a nation now more than 1.3 billion people strong, no longer have to follow the one child per couple policy establish in the 1970s. 

Why did China decide to disband the policy and allow the extra child per couple? Could it be better PR for the country as a whole? Maybe it is because it was tired of having so many complaints. Nope, the sole reasoning behind it was to improve its economy. 

I mean think about it, the country's economy is slipping and the world is watching it happen. So what better way to jump-start the economy in both in the short-run and long run by allowing millions of couples to legally have one more child. Being completely honest, I think this was a great move by China. Typically, if an economy is struggling, the government attempts to simulate the economy in hopes for more consumer spending, thus causing the economy to recover. There are two major issues with that typical solution, there must be money to be spent and the economy must use said spending correctly. As seen during the United States struggle, the ladder did not occur. I do not think there is a better way to jump start a struggling economy compared to how China did. It required no money, the consumers obviously will take advantage of the rule change, thus increasing spending dramatically.

Granted the announcement was today, I predict two outcomes will occur in the near future. One is China gains better publicity with both its citizens and noncitizens. Second being there will be a dramatic increase in pacifier purchases in about eight to ten months.  

Until Next Time,


  1. Matt- I knew China had a rule of only allowing one child per couple but I didn’t realize they had changed their rule to two children per couple. I’m glad China has increased the number of children couples are allowed to have. Having only one child is uncommon in today’s society. In order to improve their economy, I think allowing two children per couple is a smart decision. Although, I don’t think it should be up to the government to decide how many children you have. Great post!

  2. Matt, I had no idea that China had a law about only allowing one child per couple. I had heard people making fun of the fact that China controls their people's lives, but I honestly thought they were just kidding. How dictatorship-like this seems. Personally, I think that is ridiculous and in no way is it right for a government to choose how many children a couple can have. This choice should be up to the couple themselves, because it is a very personal decision. However, despite how wrong this is, I think that it's a step in the right direction to allow couples to have another child now. I think as time goes on and they stretch this law, eventually they will remove it altogether and allow couples to have as many children as they want. Thank you for sharing this, it was very eye-opening!

  3. Matt,

    First off I want to wish you a happy birthday! I didn't see you in the trainers room today, but I can only imagine you will celebrate it appropriately. I saw this in the news the other day and I am surprised at the lack of news coverage it has gotten. The one-child policy in China was amended to two children only and with this, the population would essentially double, right? Also with that rule being changed, the market in China will change in terms of food, jobs, school, etc. Just a big event that hasn't really gotten a lot of spotlight in terms of importance. Obviously it is getting media attention, but I have heard more about the new StarWars trailer than I have about this. Nice post Matt and happy birthday.
