Sunday, November 8, 2015

My Animal Videos Are Getting out of Hand

My love for animal videos is starting to take on a life of its own. For all of you who do not follow me on Facebook, I have an obsession with finding, watching, and sharing cute animal videos. Now, it may sound weird for me to call the videos cute, but I have no shame in calling them cute because that is exactly what they are, cute. I mean how could you not call the video below cute?

I am becoming low-key famous for my Facebook posts similar to the one above. In fact, it was just yesterday that I was walking through campus and someone went out of her way to speak to me about my posts. The individual told me that she was absolutely in love with all of the videos I find and post to the point she could not wait until I posted another. What is even stranger than that is that I have had that conversation more times then I can count. 

Part of me was thinking about starting a picture or video collection page, similar to BuzzFeed or Adorably Cute Animals. It would be a lot of work but it would be basically the same thing I already am doing on my personal page. I think I already spend a majority of my day searching and sharing the videos as it is, so a part of me is worried that it would consume my whole day even more. But who knows, someday soon you may or may not end up seeing a blog post from me promoting it. With that, I will leave you with another absolutely cute animal video to hopefully brighten you day and or night. 

Until Next Time,


  1. Matt, oh my goodness! These videos are absolutely adorable! Thank you for sharing your love of animals and "cuteness." I'm sure many girls will be trying to reach out to you if you keep posting these images, you know girls are suckers for little puppies. I would definitely recommend creating a separate website page for your posts because I think it would be extremely popular. If you did this, I know several people that would love it, including myself. This may be a time consuming process, but possibly worth it in the end. Think of how much joy you'll bring to people! It's definitely going to be a trial and error process, but what's there to lose?

  2. I think it's great that you enjoy doing this! I know whenever I'm on Facebook and come across a cute animal video it makes me smile and helps me relax. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Many people probably see the videos you post and it brightens there day and helps them destress.

  3. Matt,

    I can't take the cuteness in these videos, man. I know the puppies are one thing, but when they wrestle you on the ground and just bombard you with cuteness, you can only want to keep watching. Tiffany definitely is right about the girls thing. They will flock if the dogs are around. It is simple logic. Anyways, I dig the posts and YouTube videos. Keep it up and nice post. Really made my day.
