When looking at our current society, we see companies operate with all different real-time mindsets. Companies actively draw from the distance past or far into the future in order to operate day-to-day. They plan and operate based off what has already happen or what they hope to happen, but rarely do these companies do this in the now. These companies have learned that this is the best mind-set to have being that it is how it has always have been. At least that was before they had all of this technology available to them.
Within David Meerman Scott's "Real-Time Marketing & PR," he states that "responding to events in real time is uncomfortable; it requires quick thinking and taking risks." My question to that is why is responding to these events so uncomfortable? I understand companies would be uneasy to step out of their norms, but the opportunities they might gain are so much greater. With technology and social media at its current state, the risks are starting to be marginalized. We are now able to gain massive amounts of information such as feedback or ideas from current platforms within minimal amounts of time.
By no means am I saying these companies should drop there process model because it does provide plentiful amount of benefits. All I am saying is that companies need to take that first step into planning and reacting in the now as soon as possible. They need to establish positions and departments that strictly deal with planning and reacting in the now. This step might allow them to reach their future goals that much faster being that they do not have to wait until the information or outcome is in the distance past.