Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Instead of blogging about one subject, I wanted to change the pace and blog about a few topics that have been on my mind for a while now.

Topic number one relates to water intake each day. As every doctor or coach has ever told you, it is suggested that you drink something like a gallon of water a day. I am not educated in the biology world, but it does something with your body that is good other than just "staying hydrated." What blows my mind, is why is it so hard to drink a gallon a day but it is so easy to drink almost anything else in that amount. Before I started to actively try and drink water constantly through my day, I maybe had three or four cups of soda a day at most. On a good day, I would drink maybe a half of a gallon because of me working out prior. It just blows my mind that it takes so much effort to drink a gallon of water verse a gallon of water that has some kind of flavor or additives to it.

Sticking with the water theme, how did the world come to putting things in drinks? I mean think about. Someone way back when decided to put something that is untested and against societal norms into his or her drink and was like "wow, I like this." The part that blows my mind is the amount of failed trials of people who put something into his or her drink and either made him or her sick or even die, I think we may take what we drink for granted because we no longer have to go through that trial and error process.  

Until Next Time,