Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Final Reading Review

Well the semester here at Ohio Northern University (ONU) is wrapping up. The grades are being entered, books are being scavenged through, and computers are on for countless hours. That is, all expect for my Social Media Principles class. Instead, all we as a class have left to do is blog and do some real minor tasks. Being that we finished our books a few weeks back, our professor asked us to blog about which of the three books we liked most from the semester. 

Out of the three, I am torn between two of the books. I equally enjoyed the first book we read. "Real-Time Marketing & PR" by David Meerman Scott, and the last book we read, "Measure What Matters" by Katie Paine. I feel both books provided interesting information while hitting multiple subject matters. I am not one to read on my own, but there were some chapters within these books that I enjoyed reading about. I do believe all three books were helpful and I would or will use them later on in my career as reference. 

Until Next Time,

Monday, December 7, 2015

The Mets Make the Switch

Although I am not a New York Mets fan, I am a fan of Coca-Cola (Coke). So when I heard Citi Field, the Mets home stadium, is switching from selling Pepsi-Cola products to Coke products, I got a little bit excited. The contract between Pepsi Co. and the Mets expires Dec. 31 and the top executives of both Coke and the Mets have already signed a contract to begin as of 2016. 

Now why would the Mets switch this contract after such a long relationship with Pepsi? Well that is an easy answer, money. 

First, Coke steals an extremely large contract from its leading competitor. On top of having this contract, the Mets are projected to have stellar year due to winning its first pennant since 2000 in the last season. Expectation goes up, attendance goes up, sales go way up, and the profits make those executives smile. 

Second, the Mets get to have a slight face-lift done to its stadium. It has a portion of the stadium named "Pepsi Porch" which is a landing area where anticipated home run balls are hit. It gets to not only rename the area, but also maybe even change its layout. Personally, I do not know how or even if this change will be made, but regardless I expect marketing ploys that relate to such. 

Until Next Time,

Sunday, December 6, 2015

The "Fun" Week

How much "fun" can I have in the next five days? 

Most Ohio Northern University (ONU) students already know the answer to said question. Without a doubt, the common answer would be "none at all." These next five days is what the university calls "dead week" but it is anything but dead. 

 It is the hellish week where professors all across ONU decide to have multiple of projects and papers all to complete. I have no idea where the term dead week came from but it is the farthest thing than what ONU experienced during the week before finals. I am not going to explain to you what all I have to do and how bad it blows because I know there are hundreds of students that have it much harder than I do. 

It is the week of stress, limited sleep, countless cups of coffee, and an increasing anxiety about the following week. My only advice is no matter how heavy of a workload one may have, nothing can be solved in an instant, so take your time and focus on the end result. Nothing is more motivating than getting to see ones family or animals after a stressful period. 

Until Next Time,