Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Start of the Puppy Search

As you may have guessed from the blog title, I am on the search for a new K-9 companion. 

I am in no rush to go out and adopt a dog as soon as I can because I want to make sure that my choice is perfect for not only me but for him or her. Although I live in a house with five other males, I think having the addition of another animal to our house might be a good thing. We currently have a 1 year old Husky who really could use a playmate to tire her out. On top of that, if I am not able to take her out to go to the bathroom or feed her dinner for some strange reason, I have the rest of the house I can count on to help out in those rare occasions. 

In terms of what I am looking for, I am starting to narrow down the different factors. As of right now I believe I would prefer a female dog. I love the idea of having a sweetheart or baby girl to come home to. I am not opposed to a male dog, but having a female dog seems like the path I am going to initially pursue. I think that I also am not opposed to a specific hair length. I have had dogs in the past that have had both long and short hair and do not think I favor either one more. Age wise, I am fairly open. I would like to have a puppy so I can raise him or her from the start but I would not mind adopting an older dog. I think the idea of rescuing a dog might be an option because that is how we adopted our previous dogs. 

The hardest part for me is determining what breed of dog I want. Not only am I indecisive, but I love most dog breeds. I know am not leaning towards a super small dog like Chihuahua unless it is a Pomeranian or Corgi. The max size is a dog who would get up to around 70 or 80 pounds. I like the idea of having a dog that is trainable, but as long as he or she follows the typical commands, I am perfect with. I still have a lot to figure out but you best believe once I figure it all out another blog will be coming your way. 

Until Next Time,