Monday, November 9, 2015

"No Guns" at the Zoo Please

To what extent will our society be too focused around stupid matters? Recently, a Houston Zoo had to disband its "no gun" policy because the citizens felt it was their right to carry guns on the technically public land, which is owned by a private entity. It was from the success of the lawsuit that lawyers are taking aim at the Dallas Zoo now. 

The Dallas Zoo has signs posted all the premises stating its "no gun" policy. It is from these signs that the select citizens feel slighted and now are taking legal actions because of the previously similar successful lawsuit. To me, it makes completely logical sense why it does not allow guns on the premises, this being because it is a freaking zoo.

Now I get it, citizens do have the right to their guns and what not, and do not get me wrong, I am all for it, but just not in the zoo. I think Dallas is handling the PR side of these claims extremely well. The zoo immediately appointed a spokesperson to handle all matters relating to the topic. The zoo is not ignoring the responses, rather acknowledging it and responding transparently. The only issue I can see it facing is that Texas sure loves its guns and will fight day and night for it.  

It is still early to see what the outcome may or may not be, but as of right now, the Dallas Zoo is doing exactly what it should do in a situation as this one.  

Until Next Time,

1 comment:

  1. Matt,
    This is really interesting. I didn't know the gun control fight has went this far. I too agree that the people should have the right to their guns, but a zoo? I don't think people are thinking logically about the situation. How many people on average get attacked at zoos? I find it absurd that people are willing to take it this far.
