Sunday, November 15, 2015

One Week Left

As many of my fellow classmates would agree to, this is the second worst week in the semester. The only other week worse than this one in terms of class load is finals week. There is no clever way to put it.  This week simply blows with as many projects, reports, and exams that are to take place within five days. Being that we as Ohio Northern University students have a Thanksgiving break starting on Friday, our professors timed most of their last exams before finals to take place in this week. Am I mad at the professors for doing so? No, because I understand that time is a scarce thing and this is college, not high school, so we need to "grow a pair." In addition to the typical homework assigned each work, this week for me is filled with a total of three exams, three reports, and much, much more.

I am lucky enough to have a relatively lighter semester with only five classes, but that does include everything additional that I must do this week. Outside of being a student, I also am an athlete. So right there alone is three hours out of each of my days for practice.  I also am a sales representative for Polar Merchandise, a nonprofit promotional merchandise provider. In addition to meeting the monthly sales goal, I have four projects I am working on, all of which are to be relatively concluded by the end of the week. These projects include interviewing for potential new sales representatives, develop and lead the new training process from scratch, designing a new customer product fundraising document, and getting our new promotional ads around campus. Typically I spend about two hours a night on Polar related things, so another time limiting factor. Let’s not even mention the amount of sleep I need to even stay awake because of all of this.

It may seem like I am complaining about this hell week, which I am a little, but it leads me to my next point. All of this "craziness" I think will help us in the future. If we can get through it all now, then later down the road when we experience similar stress, we will be prepared. I hate how busy I am this week do not get me wrong, but a part of me likes this challenge. It is absolutely exhausting, but when break finally arrives, it will only be that much more relaxing to go home and forget about the stress for a few days. 

Until Next Time,


  1. Matt,

    I definitely agree that the week before Thanksgiving break can get a little hectic. There are so many things to accomplish with such little time. I also have many projects but only one quiz, which requires studying for the majority of the week. Like you said, many college kids also have work outside of homework. These activities typically include sports and organizational meetings. However, we have survived numerous hell weeks before and I am confident we will survive another one. Good luck with all your projects and exams this week, and I hope you have a fantastic break!

  2. Matt, I do agree with you about that fact that all this craziness will help us in our future jobs. You know that we may come across times where there's just so much to do and so little time. However, I do think that there comes a time when it can be too much work and extremely overwhelming. You are seriously a trooper, I don't know how you do it! Normally this week is also busy for me, but I lucked out this year. My professors spread my exams over the previous two weeks. But you know it's kind of a win/lose situation because once we get back, I'll have a couple exams. You hang in this week and work hard! It will be 100 percent worth it in the end!
